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Our Trustee's Message

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Neeta Jain (Trustee)

Mrs. Neeta Jain
Graduate from Delhi University

I personally feel highly delighted and elated to see that the sapling which was planted back in 2014 is slowly and steadily turning into a big tree. My heartfelt blessings are with all those students who appeared in the school’s first tenth board examinations and made the school proud with amazing results achieved.

I am happy to observe that our students are thoughtful, compassionate and curious learners, each student in his unique way has contributed to what makes TWGS an amazing place to be in. I thank you for sharing your children with us, we are fortunate to be part of their journey.
I am highly confident and hopeful that with the leadership of the Principal the school will further flourish and will keep on adding new feathers to its hat. Our staff is second to none in their commitment to our students. Their passion for bringing the best for our students is inspiring.
Together, we build a community for our students that believes in their boundless potential.

In the end thanks and Jai Jinendra.

Nikhil Jain (Trustee)

Mr. Nikhil Jain B.E. (Electrical),
Delhi College of Engineering M.B.A., Management Development Institute

Last year has ben particularly challenging for all. Humans have been known for evolution to survive. I am glad that we at TWGS have been at forefront of this adaptation by ensuring learning never stopped for our students I will heartfully like to thank all the parents, teachers and students in supporting us in the mission. Adoption of seamless online collaborative tools have eliminated boundaries and made our team explore new horizons. It is said that change is only constant in life. At TWGS we will keep changing and evolving to set newer benchmarks in our relentless journey of education. I wish all the students, parents and teachers a very safe and learning academic session.

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Reema Jain (Trustee)

Mrs. Reema Jain B.Arch.,
School of Planning & Architecture Masters in Renewable Energy, TERI University
Visiting Faulty School of Panning & Architecture, New Delhi 

Last year and a half have been extremely difficult for everyone, especially for kids. But they proved to be very resilient. I really applaud the kids and the teachers who have taken up the challenge and proven that in these difficult times also we can learn and rise. The true strength of a good school and management comes when they are tested in the hardest ways. I am really proud and happy to see that the school and the students not only manage to rise but also took the online studies with stride and make the best of it. "Difficulties in your life don't come to destroy you, but to help you realize your hidden potential"

Rishabh Jain (Trustee)

Mr. Rishabh Jain B.E. (Textiles),
University of Bolton, United Kingdom M.B.A.,
Kogod School of Business, U.S.A.

Our philosophy of education has always been meeting the needs of individual child. We try to understand and work with each child, and we firmly believe that it is responsibility to enable the child in our care to develop historically. We believe children acquire skills and knowledge easily if we can make surrounding, stimulating and purposeful. At TWGS we have focused on an educational system where children learn by experiencing things and not just by book learning. By creating such surroundings, the child is self-motivated to learn more by acquiring knowledge from the books. I take this opportunity to thank the parents who have unconditionally trusted us and whole heartedly supported us, we reassure them that we shall keep working providing safe and welcoming atmosphere for kids to relish learning experience.

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